Fire Emergencies

Evacuation Procedure

Pull fire alarm. Call 911. Leave the building via the closest exit if it is safe (do not use the elevator), after you exit the building meet in the far end of the Grice parking area near the grey oyster collection bin; remain there until you are informed it is safe to re-enter the building.

Fire Classes

A. Ordinary Combustibles (paper, wood)

B. Flammable or Combustible Liquids or Chemicals (ether, gasoline)

C. Energized Electrical Equipment (computer, centrifuge)

D. Combustible Metal (magnesium, sodium)

K. Kitchen (grease)

There are several types of fire retardants used in fire extinguishers, including sand, water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical. Extinguishers are rated for the class of fire they extinguish. This information should be clearly listed on the side of the extinguisher. You should never use an extinguisher unless it is rated for the class of fire involved. For example, using a water fire extinguisher, rated for a Class A fire, to put an energized electrical fire (Class C) could result in electrocution and/or serious injury.

fire extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher Use

  • P. Pull the pin
  • A. Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire
  • S. Squeeze trigger
  • S. Sweep the extinguisher from side to side

Prudent Practices

  • Never fight a fire If the fire has spread beyond where it started or if it might block your exit route
  • Don't fight a fire is you don't the the right type of extinguisher
  • Never block access to fire extinguisher
  • Never block a door, aisle or egress
  • Be aware of ignition sources when working with flammable chemicals
  • Always have the proper type of extinguisher available

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